Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tapas and Pictures!!

The other day, we got dressed up and went out to dinner for Tapas. They were really good. The only bummer was that they didn't have Sangria. What kind of Tapas restaurant doesn't have Sangia? But, their food was delicious. Afterwards, we came back home and had a photoshoot with the puppies (shocker, I know)

(Look at how Sammy is staring at Scott)


Da Momma said...

I love this series of photos. It looks like Sammie is smiling then laughing. Rae, I love your hair. Oh, Scott - yours is good too. I absolutely love the picture of Sammie glaring at Scott. Too funny. Maxie is so stoic. He just takes it all muss, no full.....where are the toys.

Nikki said...

I can't tell if Sammie is staring at Scott with love or pure hatred. I'm leaning towards the latter...