Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beginning of Summer Adventures

The puppies had a really eventful day yesterday. We went for a walk in the afternoon. We sniffed out and claimed every tree, leaf, patch of grass, and miscellaneous piece of trash that we passed. By the end of it, you would have thought that I made them run a marathon on the equator by how they were acting. It was warm yesterday, but not unbearable. Both dogs tongues were DRAGGING on the ground by the time we got home. They both ran inside and starting drinking. I think they are so cute when they drink out of the water bowl at the same time :) Sammy took a while to cool down and cleaned my floor with his tongue while he layed there. Both dogs were so tired that they didn't even fight me as I picked the million little burrs out of their feet and legs.

Then, it was haircut time. These little guys LOVE car rides, so that alone was exciting. Then we get to PetSmart. Always a little bit of sensory overload. The ladies at the grooming salon were SO excited about Max the PBGV. They said they almost never got PBGVs, but Max was the 2nd one of the day. They LOVED him. The girl who groomed him said that she was really excited when she looked at her list for the day and saw "PBGV". He was as happy and loving as always and they all kept saying how sweet he was. Sammy was a little bit less excited than Max was...OK, maybe he was the opposite of excited. When the woman put the little leash around his neck to bring him back, he sat down an planted his legs on the ground. She had to drag him across the floor. At least they cleaned their floor in the process with Sammy the Mop. HA! They were both really excited to see me again at the end of it all.

Max looks really good. You can see his big brown eyes now. He's really short, but strutting around like he's the cutest thing ever. What else did you expect?!?
Sammy is REALLY short. Shorter than he's ever been. Me and Scott almost didn't recognize him when we picked him up. He looks really white and has a brown racing strip down his back. His little face looks so cute, and his ears look HUGE! He pretty much looks naked, except his tail...which is bushy like a skunk tail. HA! He's really really soft. Overall, he looks really cute too...just very different.
Needless to say - they both slept REALLY well last night. They were EXHAUSTED!!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Aw! They both look so good!