Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sock Monkeys in the Mail

Recently I received my 'Easter Box' in the mail. I'm not home so I can't get an Easter basket, so my mom mailed it. There were lots of fun things inside. But, there were two extra gifts for the puppies that frightened me. A few weeks ago, my parents got bored. So, they went to the Sock Monkey Festival. Seriously, Sock Monkeys scare me. I can't imagine voluntarily surrounding myself with sock monkey and sock monkey lovers. Can you imagine the scary adults who go to things like the 'Sock Monkey Festival'? Yikes! parents bought presents for their grandpuppies. So, I opened this box and laying on top are two little Sock Monkeys for Sammy and Max. I cut the tags off and gave each of the boys one. Sammy grabbed his and instantly ran away. Max on the other hand, grabbed his and THREW it across the room...chased it...Threw it again...chased it again...threw it get the pattern? Apparently, these little sock monkeys are the perfect size for little vermin and Max felt he was protecting me/hunting it! Sammy laid down on the couch and Max took BOTH sock monkeys. He has the strange habit of laying on his back and using his paws like hands to chew on things. Since then, Max brings the sock monkey with him into every room of the house. I think he feels like Godzilla b/c the little monkey is so small. He feels the the big powerful one! So, thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the creepy little sock monkeys...they now accompany me everwhere I go b/c Max can't leave the room without it.


Da Momma said...

So glad Maxie loves his monkey. Sammy really loves his too, he just doesn't want to appear over zealous. He is very subdued. Happy Resurrection Day!

Nikki said...

LOL grandpuppies! LMAO!!