Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two Posts in One Day?!?

Max is an extremely smart dog...which means that he gets himself into trouble sometimes. He has been yelling at me all day today. I have been trying to keep my house a little bit cleaner. Usually, there is a dog toy explosion in my living room. I tried putting the lid on their toy box, but Max has learned how to take the lid off. I told you he was smart. So, yesterday I put 3 of my heavy text books on the lid...since then he has been yelling at me to take them off. WUAHAHAHA!!!

1 comment:

Da Momma said...

Oh come on now, let the little man play with the toys. What if he knocks the big heavy textbooks off and hurts his little self. I know, I will buy them a toybox with a "doggie door" muahahahahhaha!