Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Night Time Adventures

Maxy long dog is....well, LONG. He likes to sleep longways across pillows. He sleeps on the backs of couch cushions. He LOVES to sleep across the top of the pillows in the bed. So, I made him his own special Max bed to sleep in. I shoved a body pillow between the mattress and the wall of my bed. He lays there because it is long like he is. Usually he sleeps on the body pillow, next to me, with his head on my pillow. He startles me in the the middle of the night because he likes to lay nose to nose. The past few nights, he has picked up a new habit. He lays on his pillow, next to me, and instead of putting his head on my pillow...he puts his head on me. Underneath my neck. And then starts SNORING! Now Max has a really long nose...which allows him to snore especially loud.

Sammy lays on the other side of me. Every night, Sammy jumps up on to the bottom left corner of the bed. When I lay down and get settled in...I have to pull the blankets back and call Sammy up from the bottom of the bed. He comes up and snuggles down next to me. He likes to be the Goop. (For those of you who don't know what Goop is...it is a term that my sister and I made up for the person that in inside the 'spoon'. Some people call it the little spoon...we call it Goop!) Well, if I forget to call Sammy up to snuggle with me, he gets SOOOOO offended. And, we all know what Sammy is like when he's offended. He's growly and pushy and gets his tooth out.

I got up this morning to turn my alarm off and looked back at the bed. There was like 8 inches between the dogs. 8 INCHES! I was sleeping in that little tiny space smooshed between both dogs all night long and the whole rest of the bed was free. HAHA! Now, I hear that this gets much worse when you have kids. But seriously, I trip on them when I go from room to room because they are closer to me than my shadow is. Max literally waits underneath the table in the bathroom while I'm in the shower. He can't stand to be away from me for even that long. Oh goodness. At least they love me right?

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Callaway is the same way. He is practically under my feet as I walk from room to room. I'm trying to teach him to sit outside the kitchen when I'm making dinner because I worry that I'll trip on him and accidentally pour boiling water on his head!
